Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beckham is 2 Weeks

Beckham is doing GREAT! I cannot believe he was 6 weeks early. It is hard to believe he is a premie. He hasn't lost any weight and at 9 days weigh 5lbs 14 oz at his 2 weeks mark he was up to 6lbs 4 oz and measured 20 inches long. He is growing fast!
He sleeps really good waking up consistantly every three hours during the day and at night will go 4-5 hours before waking up to eat. I love it and hope it stays this way! He is eating 2 ounces every feeding and still no clothes fit him yet. Premie clothes are too short and newborns are still baggy.


Janey - UtValleyFoodie said...

He looks super cozy in those pictures! What a cutie.

Bentleys said...

Oh my heavens I wanna squish him!!! He looks so cute!

mrs. jar said...

Oh my goodness, he is so dang cute! It probably is a good thing that I don't live around the corner anymore.....I would probably show up at your house at all sorts of hours just wanting to love on him! Hope you are doing well! Miss you!

linzi said...

Oh my goodness, he is beautiful!!! Ashley!!! Congratulations on the birth - you are one strong woman! I can't wait to chat and catch up. I am so sorry I am so behind on sending you my love. I want you to know that you have been in my thoughts since the moment my mom told me that you delivered! Congratulations and please kiss that beautiful boy for me. Tell him welcome to this world!!!