Monday, August 22, 2011

The Birth...

While at McKay I continued to have the pains that I had been having for weeks ( I believed them to be contractions). The pain was very low, and in my back. It felt a lot like cramps. Tuesday night they were horrible but by that day they had stopped. Wednesday morning at about 430am they started again and they were much more painful than usual. They continued throughout the morning and I asked my nurse about them and told her i believe them to be contractions. She hooked me up to the monitor and nope the monitor only showed an irritated uterus (as it had been doing for days). She said it is probably called Round Ligament pains. I said okay, but these thing hurt! I continued to have the pain throughout the day, with it getting worse and worse as the day went on. I finally started to write down the times of the pain because I was sure they were contractions. The pain was not consistance and was about every 20 minutes, so nope she (the nurse) wouldn't call the doctor until I was having 4 or more in an hour. By the time my day nurse left and the night nurse came on ( who I loved and had had the night before) I felt lke there is seriously something wrong. I told her my pain and asked for some pain medicine and had told her what the day nurse told me it was. They put me on the monitors again and still no contractions.
I had some visitors and by 830pm everyone had left. It was then that the pain increased and was nearly unbearable. I couldn't lay down, I felt like I was going to be sick and like I needed to use the bathroom, and was sweating like crazy. Finally at 930pm I called my nurse. I was in so much pain I was bawling and couldn't hold still. She called the doctor and off I went to Labor and Delivery. I hurried and called Josh, his phone was dead, so I called my MIL and then Josh called me  back and called my Mom.
I got to labor and delivery, and the nurse checked me and sure enough, I was dialated to a 9 1/2!!!!! I wanted to die! I told them there was no way I could do it, I needed an epidural. But it was far too late for that.
She said DON'T PUSH, they got one of my doctors partners in the room and then they said if you feel the urge to push PUSH. I said no I can't and luckily I had amazing nurses in there that all cheered me on and encouraged me and after about 3-4 pushes Beckham was born.
My doctor walked in right after, and then Josh.
My placenta wouldn't come so I did get my epidural for that part and I will tell you that was painful for the doc to get that out himself.

I couldn't believe I had a natural birth, I never wanted it to go that way and didn't believe I could actually do it. I believe that the laboring part is by far the worst pain of all. But it was pretty neat to be able to feel him come into the world.


Skye said...

I hope Beckham is ok, I love the name by the way! Your labor sounds a lot like mine, good job on a natural birth!

Jeremy, Laura-Ann and Madilynn Nutt said...

Wow! That is crazy. Sucks that Josh wasn't quite there yet and what a dumb nurse!!!

hoLLY said...

good job on the natural birth!!! you are amazing!! hope all is well!!

Davinna Kunz said...

Congrats I love all the pics of your cute boys! Sad that Josh wasn't there for the pushing. You didn't tell me any of this when I called you. So it was fun to read all about it. Glad Beckham is doing great! We can hardly wait to meet him and see you all in October!! Love you! :)