For the past few weeks I have been having contractions on and off, normal right. Wednesday morning I woke up at 2:58am with some major pains! I was half asleep and was hoping they would go away, after about 6 minutes they didn't go away, I got up went and sat on the couch...every two minutes I was having contractions. after about 4o minutes I woke Josh up and told him. We waited another 20 minutes and decided okay maybe we should go to the hospital just to be sure everything is okay.
Josh's parents came over and Josh and his Dad gave me a blessing, then off we went to McKay Dee. Sure enough I was having contractions, they were getting better though. They gave me a shot in my arm to help relax the uterus. The nurse checked me, I was dialated to a 1,70% and soft...oh great! FFN test came back Negative!! I was so relived! With Tate it was positive and that was the begining of bed rest.
After three hours they sent me home to rest and go see my doctor that afternoon as scheduled.
I came home and slept for about 5 hours. Poor Josh had to go to work, I felt so bad!
Tate: That same day I had to take Tate to his 2 year well check...He looks great! here are his stats:
weight: 26.6lbs 26% percentile (this is the highest his percentile has ever been)
height: 35 inches 60% percentile (also the highest it's ever been)
Head: 70%
Doc. Rose was very impressed with Tate and said he is very well adusted, he was nervous Tate would freak when he saw him because of all of Tate's previous health issues but Tate was fine. He just sat there and made funny faces at him. He said Tate will do very well in school settings and other social settings, and that he is very outgoing and not timid or shy. His vocabulary is right where it needs to be!
I asked him about Tate always wanting to eat ice, and so Doc Rose ordered for some blood work to be done....
After he got his shots we headed over to McKay Dee once again this time for Tate.
We got back to the lab and as soon as we sat down Tate started to get fussy, he knew what was coming, this was not the first time we had to do this. The Phelbotomist was this big burly guy and said this will be fast, he has big veins...Tate is strong and I couldn't hold him very well and his vein rolled, so they only got enough blood for one vile, for the other arm they wrapped him up, and he screamed the whole time, but as soon as they were done and he got his ball and stickers he was as happy as could be. He even told them Thank you and good bye. It was so cute!
Back to Dr.Bier for me, he said everything looked good and to hang in there. He gave me a prescription for Nephedepine (spelling?) to take as needed and to drink LOTS of water. Dehydration and over heating can cause labor. I am feeling pretty good and am trying to take it easy. I am getting frustrated because my feet are constantly swollen, my sciatic is killing me and my stomach is HUGE, nothing fits. I know I need to hang in there but once we are past the safe stages I want this little man to get here!!!
Tate's bloodwork: it came back very low on iron, so now Tate gets an extra boost of iron vitamins twice a day for a month then we will retest. average starts at 7 and Tate's was a 10.
Bowtie Lasagna
14 years ago
That is a crazy day, can't believe how close you are getting. Hopefully the next few weeks go by nice and smooth for you!
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