Monday, October 25, 2010


First off I have about a million pictures and things to update as far as what we have been doing but I don't feel like looking for my camera and down loading all the pictures...sorry...but here are my thoughts as of late:

As I sit here and type away Tate is upstairs screaming his little head off, he doesn't think he needs to go to bed, his usual bed time is 8/830pm for the past week or so, he does not want to go to bed, he will stay up until 11pm. I have tried laying him down with me, nope that doesn't work, its too exciting to be in Mommy and Daddy's bed (he never slept with us as a baby), I have tried laying on the couch, nope cause he just wants to play. I know he is okay, I go in and reassure but I am to the point where tough love is my only option, cry himself to sleep hopefully and maybe he will get back into the routine we all once knew. :)
Any suggestions, please share!!

We are all doing good other than Tate's lack of a desire to sleep. He is getting so big and is so smart, he walks around talking the language of Tate as Josh's parents call it. He loves to jibber jabber. He does have quite a few words that he can say:

Dog; cat; thank you; go; please; hi; dadda; mamma; fish; shoes; (someothers I am sure but I just haven't mastered the language yet)

Loves to make animal sounds: Cow, dog, chickens, duck, horse, snake, elephant, anything that growls

His stats are: 22 pounds and 31 inches tall, he can fit into 18 month shirts but still 12 month pants and wears a size 5 shoe (all this is for my personal journal, I will never remember it all).

He Loves blankets and always wants Josh or I to hold his blanket. He loves his farm animals and his books, favorite book: usbornes Ted and Friends book and Elmo search and find.

Food: recently discovered the joys of dipping, and he loves Salsa! Loves grapes and watermelon, and pretty much all fruit, Likes ground beef, but not too big on chicken, loves to use his own silverware and usually gets distracted playing with those vs eating. He isn't a big fan of juice but will drink it watered down. LOVES water and Milk. Yogurt is still a favorite of his.

Josh: Josh well he still eats whatever and I am trying to be better at making dinner for him. ( I like cereal for dinner). He is good though, very busy working and going to school, one year from now we will be preparing for his graduation, I cannot wait!! and neither can he. He is so smart, it amazes me. I wish I was half as smart as he is. He is busy studying, doing my honey do lists and working and on top of all that he still manages to be stress free and have fun. I don't know how he does it.

ME: well I try to manage my life one day at a time and well as of late I feel like my plate is overloaded but I keep thinking to myself, Ashlee get organized and everything won't seem so bad. So I am considering getting a franklin covey planner, a few people I work with use it and they say it helps immensley with organization. ;) and really when I look at other peoples lives and compare I think come on lady you need to step it up and stop worrying. So thats what I am working on.

Work is good, very busy and somewhat exhausting mentally but I enjoy what I do and I have a strong passion for it. I love Fresh Market and I love the people I work with, I seriously work for some of the best people out there. I couldn't ask for a better career choice. Right now it is even more so draining because we are working on closing 3 stores, any time things like this happen it is so hard, not only because of all the work and labor that goes into these types of things but the mental exhaustion of it all, peoples lives are being turned upside down. Let's just all pray that the economy continues to bounce back and that our Government will allow it to benefit all.

Tate has finally stopped crying, time to switch out laundry and go to bed.


mrs. jar said...

Ashlee, I think you are amazing! I look at you and wonder how you do it all? RS (which I know how hard that can be...), work, being an awesome mom and a great wife. Plus, you are always looking so cute whenever I see you! You put the rest of us to shame.

Also I need to confess that no less than three minutes after you said Grace was an angel she had a total melt down and was screaming so loud I had to take her out. Within minutes we were on our way home too. So don't feel like it is just your child! My little devil is the same way! Too bad you can't help but love the little squirts.

Sorry Tate is having trouble with bed time. Gracie has struggled off and on for about two weeks...I really think it is her teeth. She has two molars that have come through and two more coming. Is Tate getting his too? This may make me sound like an awful mom, but I have found that giving her some ibprofen about an hour before her normal bed time really helps....may want to give it a try??

Good luck my friend! You really are the best and I am SOO lookiing forward to next Wednesday! I know how much work you have put into that and I cannot wait!

Bentleys said...

You are the best Lil Mommy, I agree with tough love, let him cry for no more than 20 minutes for a few days and he should get his normal schedule going.

I know it's hard but these phases really do pass quickly and before you know it he is a 8 year old that goes to bed by himself :(

And all kid act like this whether their "perfect" parents want to admit it or not!

hoLLY said...

trae went thru the same thing at Tate's age and I swear he can still cry forever, but the best thing i think is to just let them cry it out bit check on them every once and a while. i promise this will pass althought Trae still hates bedtime!

Davinna Kunz said...

Hey Ash! Can't believe you didn't put any pics on....that's ok, I put all the ones from the hunt on my blog, there are some cute ones! We had a blast with you guys and we think it should be a yearly activity! We miss you and love you lots! Hope you all are doing well and things keep going great! Love ya!

Janey said...

Cameron STILL goes through good and bad sleep phases. Right now he is getting up two or three times a night. A couple nights ago he came into our room at about 4:30 and it took an hour and a half of us taking him back to his bed numerous times before he fell back asleep. We'd let him sleep with us, but he squirms and gets too excited so none of us get any sleep. And now he wakes up between 6-6:30am no matter what time we put him down for bed. And right when you start to accept it, then they stop and go through a good phase. I guess it teaches us patience?

Thanks for the update! I miss those days when you and I ate cereal for dinner!